1989 Miracle Yearbook
INTRAMURALS Join The Fun! "Burnt Toast," the A-League flag football champs, pose after their final victory. Do you love volleyball, but your version of the spike isn't quite what Coach Brown is looking for? Are you a soccer nut, but you just didn't have time to be on the varsity team this year? Then Cedarville intramurals are for you! The intramural program is a program of organized sports from men's flag football to women's soc- cer for anyone who wants to play regard- less of skill level. The only requirement for playing intramural sports is interest, not ability. People play intramurals for a num- ber of reasons including meeting new people, relieving stress, getting some good exercise, or just simply having fun. Fall Quarter intramural sports included soccer, flag football, volleyball, tennis, racquetball, three-men basketball, and one-on-one basketball. Many of the sports are divided into different leagues which allow students to compete against those students of similar ability. There's something for everyone, so come out for intramurals and join the fun! Chris Adair tries to score against a tough opponent. 150 Sports
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