1989 Miracle Yearbook
The Cedarville wrestling season began in October with much uncertainty about what was to come. Many of this year's wrestlers were new; only 3 returned from last year. Not only did the team have many new wrestlers, but also they had a new coach: Mr. Alan Bennett. Through- out the season, the verse Mark 10:45 be- came representative of the attitude Coach Bennett and the wrestling team wanted to develop--servanthood. With many injuries and illnesses, the team nev- er had all ten players at one meet. In fact, at one meet Cedarville participated with only three wrestlers. With this handicap the team saw the most overall improve- ment on an individual, rather than team, level. Dale Kime and Brian Phipps each received first place in their weight class in the NCCAA district championship, and Russ Kime received second place. In the NAIA Area 7, Dale Kime placed third and Brian Phipps placed second. Asstated by the manager, Tim Holmes, "As we look back on the season, we see how we grew closer to one another and to God." With all the experiences and accomplishments on which the team has to build from this season, Coach Bennett along with the rest of the team, is looking forward to a great season next year. Cedarville puts some pretty heavy pressure on the opposition! 158 Sports
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