1989 Miracle Yearbook
--the man behind the scenes Mark Mathews There is "something for everyone because everybody needs some- thing." This is the motto Mark Math- ews uses for his extensive line up of recreational activities. Mark strongly feels that anyone should be able to participate regardless of his or her ath- letic ability. With this in mind, he has organized a variety of activities reach- ing from non-competitive to competi- tive, from one-time-only to several times a week, and from lowest to high- est skill level. Although many in the college family take advantage of Ce- darville's exceptional intramural sports program, few are aware of the vast amount of planning and organizing that goes on behind the scenes in the Campus Activities Office. As Director of Recreational Activities, Mark is not only in charge of the planning, organiz- ing, and administration of intramurals, The winter intramural program provides a much-needed stress release for many students. During the winter months, it is very easy to get in the habit of vegetating in the dorm room every evening and giv- ing up on all of those big exercise plans because it is "much too cold" to do any- thing outside. To solve this problem,there is a long line-up of organized activities that can be enjoyed indoors in the Athlet- ic Center. A few of these activities include basketball, indoor soccer, racquetball, and bowling. Students can join any of several teams which play throughout the quarter. but also he is in charge of the many special events such as beachball vol- leyball, class clash, residence hall week, "The Beach" party, and many other events throughout the year. His responsibilities also include selection and training of officials and the publici- ty and promotion of all of these pro- grams. Mark has been employed as Director of Recreational Activities for five years which followed his two years as Cedarville's baseball coach. A 1982 graduate of Cedarville, Mark has his teaching degree in Physical Education and will finish his masters in Sports Management this summer at Ohio Uni- versity. As of now, the future is open for Mark. He likes Cedarville and en- joys his job--especially the variety it offers!--but he is leaving his future open to the Lord's leading. INTRAMURALS 160 Sports
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