1989 Miracle Yearbook

Spring quarter at Cedarville is filled with exciting events and activities, but there is one event that tops all others--OOZE- BALL! What a fitting name for this popu- lar volleyball game(played in the mud, of course!) Oozeball was one of several ac- tivities that took place during Residence Hall Week toward the end of the quarter. This week, planned by Mark Mathews, consisted of activities in which the entire campus could participate. Another fun event was "Battle for the Sahara," a campus-wide capture the flag game end- ing with a huge water fight. The weather was a little chilly for this fan. Some were willing to get a little muddy. . . .and some weren't! Along with Residence Hall Week, there is a full quarter of other activities in which anyone can participate. Intramural sports in the spring include softball, basketball, volleyball, bowling, golf, aerobics,and the very popular walleyball, which is similar to volleyball but is played in a raquetball court. All of these activities are open to anyone, and most activities are divided into A-league and B-league so that stu- dents can play with those of similar skill level. With such an extensive line-up, no one has an excuse not to get involved. Let's see some smiles--it's not raining! 172 Sports