1989 Miracle Yearbook

Timothy Scott Wagner Bible Comprehensive Bay Village, OH Kevin Robert Warstler Preseminary South Bend, IN James Clifford Welch Preseminary Norway, ME Michael Eugene Wittmer Preseminary Hartville, OH • Business GOODNESS "What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly?" (Micah 6:8) Integrity is a quality to which those in the Business Department strive. Pursuing integrity in business is something Cedarville wishes to develop in all students especially those who work in business with the outside world. Cedarville prepares them through classes like "personal fi- nance" and principles like "stewardship manage- ment." Dr. Ron Walker, department chairman, states, "In order for our students to conduct their professional responsibilities ethically, it is neces- sary to provoke and nurture personal integrity." Timothy Wayne Abramowitz Ronda L. Altman Jeanette Lynne Ayers Michael Edward Ayres Accounting Accounting Business Administration Computer Information Systems Freeport, IL New Richmond, OH Ft. Worth, TX Cincinnati, OH SENIORS 29