1989 Miracle Yearbook
WISDOM The Communication Arts Department is in the process of training speech and broadcasting ma- jors whose futures involve speaking to the public in some way. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" (Pr. 25:11). One not only should be confident but also knowledgeable when speaking to people. Wisdom is of prime impor- tance when discerning the proper speech neces- sary for sharing and exemplifying Christ. Communi- cation Arts include a variety of experiences that aid in gaining this attribute: forensics, dramatic pro- ductions, and radio broadcasting. Catherine L. Anderson Communication Arts West Springfield, PA Dannah K. Barker Communication Arts State College, PA Communication Arts Scott Andrew Boyer. Broadcasting Clinton, OH Glenn Wayne Carpenter David Patrick Cook Stacey M. Davis Deena Joy Dunsmore Broadcasting Communication Arts Communication Arts Communication Arts Normal, IL Lake Orion, MI Half Moon Bay, CA GoodeIls, MI SENIORS 37
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