1989 Miracle Yearbook
Lisa Faye Davidson English Park Forest, IL Stephen Hobart Fisher English Delaware, OH Joy Ruth Fagan English Education Ypsilanti, MI Roger Leslie Foreman English Education Gardiner, ME An Added Adjustment Several foreign students attend Cedarville. These students adjust to not only the new college lifestyle but also to the new language and culture. Bea Moraes is one student who has successfully adjusted to a new language and culture. At age fourteen Bea traveled from her home in Brazil to visit the United States. It was then she developed an interst in the English language. She continued her high school education at a Christian Academy in Brazil; but because of the influence of friends and teachers, she moved to the United States to pursue her college career. Though Bea's native language is Portugese, her interest in the English language has led her to major in English: "It took me a while to learn the meaning of home run, Jack Frost, and pump- kin pie; however,almost nothing else stood in my way of accom- plishing the studies." Bea plans to teach a few years and even- tually become a copy editor. Kelley J. Gill Sharyn Kay Hambley Teresa Jean Huber Donald Stephen Humphre English Education English English English Columbus, OH Freeport, IL Xenia, OH Howard, PA 46 SENIORS
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