1989 Miracle Yearbook

Music JOY From the great hymn "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" to the uplifting chorus"The Joy of The Lord Is My Strength," music does much to lifotur spirits. The Music Department has the unique privilege of investing its hard work and time consuming prac- tices to produce performances that will not only bring self-satisfaction but also praise to the Lord. Those with a vocal or instrumental performance major train to bring a sound that in some way ministers to the hearers. Those with a music educa- tion major strive to produce a praiseful hearts in the lives of their students. Renee'C. Clor Music Education East Bethany, NY Linda Jean Frye Music Education Cedarville, OH Mark Edward George Music Education Tipp City, OH 48 SENIORS Bradley Goodrich Gregory Music Education Hudson, IN Karen Lynn Haynes Music Education Perry, NY Brenda K. Hollopeter Music Education Rockton, PA