1989 Miracle Yearbook

ateei Up016 A Tage, O nce upon a time, in the land of Cedarville, a banquet was held to which everyone was invited. Early on the morning of the banquet, which was to be held on the Nine- teenth day of May in the year nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, men and women busily began preparing them- selves for this festive occasion. Vehi- cles from Volkswagen bugs to stretch limousines were cleaned and waxed; tuxedos were rented, gowns were purchased, and flowers were chosen without a thought of price. The people of Cedarville then traveled to the land of Cincinnati where the banquet was to take place. As the guests entered the Cincinnati Convention Center, the gathering room was filled with the sounds of a harpist playing and with the smells of many delectable foods. Suddenly, with the sounds of trum- pets, the guests were ushered into the dining room and were escorted to their tables. The food was scrump- tuously prepared and was accompa- nied by the entertainment. With tux- edos bulging and gowns feeling a little more snug, they continued to enjoy the evening of food and entertain- ment. A madrigal group sang a variety of songs, but their singing of "When the Saints Go Marching In" is what captured the attention of the audi- ence. The enchanted evening ended with a tribute to the honored guests, the senior class of 1989. What a won- derful Junior-Senior Banquet, what a glorious night to remember! Thank you, Greg Gibbs, JulieTitus and Ju- nior class for such a splendid evening.