1989 Miracle Yearbook
Becky Davis Senior Attendant Kim Sweet Senior Attendant Homecoming Royalty Banquet "Continuing the Tradition What an unforgettable evening! The 1988 Homecoming celebra- tion kicked off with the annual roy- alty banquet. The theme was "Continuing the Tradition," Keep- ing with the Olympic games, the cafeteria was transported back in time to ancient Athens where ath- letic traditions began. Chairper- sons Dave Mooney and Jamie Brown created the atmosphere of elegance through white lights, pil- lars and greenery. The attendants were escorted down the center steps and aisle to the stage of pil- i lars and ivy where the queen was announced. The food was delicious! Pioneer Food Service provided the cultural Grecian meal. The menu consisted of lemon chicken, Greek salad, rice pilaf, spinach pastry, pita bread, and baklava. Singer-storyteller Mark Lowry brought the evening's entertain- ment. He sang oldfavorites from cartoons and family films to humor the group. Later, he combined hu- mor and gospel truth to challenge each guest. --Sue Moyer 76 Kristine Watson Senior Attcidant Sue Moyer, 1988 Homecoming Queen
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