1989 Miracle Yearbook
C.A.B. Presents The Cultural Activities Board is responsible for the scheduling of several concerts each year. The first of the 1988-89 academic year was a concert by Michael Card on October 6, 1988. Card had per- formed at Cedarville before, the last time being in Fall Quarter, 1986. There were two events scheduled for Winter Quarter by the C.A.B. The first of which was a concert by Cynthia Clawson on January 27. The other was on Feb- ruary 17, 1989. Buddy Green pre- sented a concert on his harmonica after a basketball game and then again in Student Government Cha- pel on the following day. Spring Quarter saw the return of the Jere- miah People on April 20. The Jere- miah People present real life issues through dramatizations and then use Biblical principles to provide answers to these critical issues. The highlight of the year for the C.A.B. events occurred on May 25. LarneIle Harris presented a concert to a full house in the Cha- pel and many were touched by the challenge to spend time in prayer every day. Harris was well received on his first visit to Cedarville.
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