1990 Miracle Yearbook
Providing Challenge At the start of each quarter, special conferences are held which help "sharpen the focus" of both students and faculty. Each conference has a different emphasis, and speakers con- sistently challenge the students in their individual walks with the Lord. The Fall Bible Conference featured Dr. Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago. Beginning winter Using many memorable illustrations, Rev. William Rudd speaks in a very practical way to the stu- dents during the Winter Enrichment Conference. Relating one of the many personal examples of God's faithfulness and protection in the midst of oppostion, Murray Heron is a true example of living by faith. quarter and helping to dispel winter- time slumps, a dynamic pastor from Muskegon, Michigan, Reverend William Rudd,gave a series of messages in the Winter Enrichment Conference. The emphasis for spring quarter is missions, and several missionariescome to spend the week with the college family. This is a unique time when students can talk with many missionaries from a variety of fields. The featured speakers for the Spring Missions Conference were Gary Anderson, president of Baptist Mid- Missions; Richard Davis, ABWE mission- ary to Peru; and Murray Heron from the Evangelical Baptist Seminary of Que- bec. Providing a challenge to start the year living for the Lord, Dr. Erwin Lutzer gives a message during the Fall Bible Conference. 120 Conferences
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