1990 Miracle Yearbook

In a typical Monday morning chapel, Dr. Dixon challenges the student body with the theme, "Celebrating the Family." Each morning at 10:00,the Cedarville College family gathers for a time of worship, challenge, and admonition. Daily chapel services help bond the family together as personal concerns are shared,answers to unsettling ques- tions are sought,and God's infinite love for His children is shown.President Dixon schedules many chapel speakers throughout the year, providing a re- freshing and informative variety of top- ics. One of Cedarville's objectives is "to undergird the student in the fundamen- tals of the Christian faith and to stim- ulate him to evaluate knowledge in the light of scriptural truth." Students are consistently challenged to evaluate what is taught according to Scripture and not simply to "soak it in." Scriptural truths must be integrated into daily lives, not only because individuals rep- resent Cedarville College but also be- cause they represent Jesus Christ. Chapel can be viewed as an insti- tutional requirement to be fulfilled or as a special privilege to be enjoyed. But as President Dixon says,"Chapel is the heartbeat of our college" and is es- sential to emotional, mental, and spir- itual "survival" in the crush of the ac- ademic load. Dr.Joseph Stowell, president of Moody Bible Institute, delivers the message for the annual Charter Day chapel. Special music given by Greg Gibbs, Darin Struble, Andrea Unger sets the tone for the chapel message. 122 Chapel photo by Mal Biddlniger