1990 Miracle Yearbook

First row: Steve Murphy, KirkBelmont, Mike Feliciano, Eric Fillinger; second row: David Ulmer,Paul Reichart, Ken Oster "And after you have done every- thing,stand firm." Ephesians 6:13b photo by Mott Biddinger Leading the Fellowship in singing, David Ulmer encourages students to "Exult!" The rock is painted in support of the Advisory 7's serviceproject. The Good Samaritan Project, headed by Cedarville graduate Chris Parsons, was designed to minister to those with the AIDS virus and to their families and friends as well. O v‘s oly1 Advisory Seven When we each found ourselves in the position of service that God had entrust- ed to us, we felt as Moses did — very inadequate. We had no idea what lay before us. The first night, we all gathered in the chapel on our knees to ask God for His help, for it was only through Him that we could do His work. That first prayer meeting was followed by countless oth- ers throughout the rest of our term. God really taught us the power and utmost importance of prayer. We are very thankful that God gave us the oppor- photo by Eric CoChrOn tunity to serve you, the student body; and yet,so many times, we received the blessing from you. It was a real joy to work with the student body and to watch all of us grow in love and become more unified in Christ. Although we shared some sad times together, we bonded together; and with the strength that only God can give,we stood and let our light shine before men. May God re- ceive all the honor and glory for anY blessings we received. — Eric Fillinger III 124 Advisory 7