1990 Miracle Yearbook

Cross-Country running together Eric Fillinger completed an outstanding cross country ca- reer with All-America show- ings in both the NCCAA and NAIA. He won an unprece- dented third straight NCCAA title, and he placed in the Top 10 for the third consec- utive year at the NAIA meet. Fillinger won six of ten meets during the season including the NAIA District 22 title. Eric, who has been called by Coach Elvin King as"the best distance runner that First row: Kris Williams, Andy Schwaderer,Jim Foster, Dave Durham,Dan Cole:Second row:Coach Elvin King, Eric Fillinger, Corey Woods,Jeff Bolender, Neal Wallace Cedarville College has ever had," was a four-time NC- CAA All-American and a three-time NAIA All- American. Corey Woods made the NCCAA All- America unit by placing 13th in the meet; plus he earned a spot on the All-NAIA District 22 team. Cedarville finished fourth of 13 teams in the NC- CAA National Meet which it annually hosts at John Bryan State Park. Eric Fillinger doesn't let his lead affect the amount of effort he puts into the race. 136 Cross-Country