1990 Miracle Yearbook

esie4,5#&0. Snobbish Sue Bayliss informs Ann that her marriage to Chris would be better if they moved away. A man and his business — a son and his love — a country and its war — a mistake and the pursuit of in- tegrity, Arthur Miller used these el- ements to portray the powerful theme of his play All My Sons. He wished to reveal the importance of integrity and the never-ending bonds of family relationships. Sad as it may be in our world today, these values have become trivial. The people of our time have chosen to minimize honesty and ignore the vows before God that sustain family relationships. It soon became the cast's desire to see the message of this play stir the thoughts and emotions of their au- dience. And on our own Christian campus, where we sometimes lose touch with the outside world, we were reminded through the portrayal of this desperate family of the harsh penalty of hidden sins and the im- measurable value of integrity. — Christine Michael George Deever apprehensively joins his sister at the Keller residence. Lydia retrieves her husband Frank from the Keller's backyard. 164 Fall Drama