1990 Miracle Yearbook

,s-Airww.xwovrtErgr--4iskawcr—r __7 fors photo by Bill Montgomery The Sophomore float portrays the arguin' Hatfields and McCoys. Beautiful weather buoyed the people's spirits as they lined the streets with a spirit of ex- citement and anticipation for Cedarville's Homecoming pa- rade. The pageantry of floats started the Saturday festivi- ties in a unique and expres- sive way. The various floats centered around the theme, "A Family Reunion." Each float was creative and family- oriented; however,the Fresh- men float, "The Prodigal Son," captured first place. The highly energized South Hall truck progresses through the parade. In the brilliant sunshine,the squinting members of Delta Omega Epsilon prepare to distribute root beer floats to the parade spectators. photo by Shawn Mailman photo by Shawn Mallison photo by Shawn Mallison Students and alumni alike enjoy the festivities of the parade. Photo by Bill Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Dixon "Celebrate the Family" with their grandchildren. Homecoming 17