1990 Miracle Yearbook

Mowt Qct Dad Digit ie.'C\/& Parents' Weekend is a spe- cial event that all of Cedarville College looks for- ward to — especially the stu- dents. It's a wonderful time for the students to show their parents "college life." Many activities are planned so that the parents can get a taste of the programs that happen on campus. Parents meet the Dixons during the President's recep- tion. The Concert Chorale, Brass Choir, and Symphonic Band perform a special con- cert called the "Pops Con- cert" in the Athletic Center. This year, guest percussionist Jerry Carlyss played along with the Symphonic Band. Other activities of the week- end included the spring dra- ma Romeo and Juliet, various athletic events, and other special concerts in the chap- el. After enjoying refreshments at the Pops concert, Kim Bailey relaxes with her parents. Joy Sissom enjoys some time with her parents after a successful concert. Chorale performance.. 22 Parents' Weekend _11