1990 Miracle Yearbook

The year 1990 marked the retire- ment of Harmon and Audrey Ber- gen after 32 years of service at Cedarville College. Having be- gun their years of service as short- term missionaries to the Nether- lands in 1949, they arrived in Cedarville in 1958. Harmon has taught a variety of subjects rang- ing from World Literature, Mythol- ogy, and Dramatic Literature to German,French,and Spanish. His wife, Audrey, first served in the library which was at that time lo- cated in the Fine Arts building. She quit working when they adopted children and later re- turned to work in the college bookstore. As for their future plans,they are open to the Lord's leading, whether that be back on the mission field or in Cedarville. HAKtiIA Iptay, thatqout ka way aboad taw aid mow kiwat4 ad at damaged;1atyou may apptov6161491 lot eitedfait laatyou, way 66 Aiitein awl alwatoffezi6 14. clay ofCleat beizg(Ad w1 ta offrigralag6s4 (14Leh alt6 by Je.4a4Ch gloty cattl ptatib of60d." Papptaxi I:9-II Harmon and Audrey Bergen A great deal of study goes into preparation for the future. Bev Nelson talks with Mrs. Street, the Resident Director of Maddox dorm. As an R.A. in Maddox,Be has gained valuable experience in leadership and in relating in a meaningful way to her peer 222 Closing