1990 Miracle Yearbook

JMOILS Sad SEJAiOILS OR As the sun set, the remaining golden rays cast a glow on the water. The air was crisp and filled with excitement. As good friends gathered to- gether to celebrate memo- ries and the future, they set sail to embark upon a "Voyage Through Time." The "P.P. Dix Sun"set sail from the Westin Hotel in Cincinnati on Friday,May 25, 1990.The pas- sengers were decked out in their finest for the celebra- tion. During the voyage, friends participated in the celebration by enjoying a fabulous dinner, looking ahead to the future with the help of a skit, reminiscing about the past with a phe- nomenal slide show that will be remembered for a long while, and being treated to the entertainment of come- dians Rick and Mick Vigneulle. The evening was then capped off with a river boat cruise that sailed on the Ohio River. Dr. Coleman add- ed to the festive atmosphere aboard ship by playing the pi- ano. The evening was one to honor the seniors by sending them off in a big way as they prepared to continue their own "Voyages through Time." Senior girls make a stunning appearance in front of Fountain Square before the banquet begins. Steve Brumbaugh,Jennifer Smith, Lori Mercaldo,and Keith Simpson enjoy the pleasant evening aboard the river boat. photo by Tania Taylor photo by Enc Cochran photo by Tanla Taylo photo by Eric Cochran Organizers Jim Breuler and Lisa Anderson celebrate a successful evening. Pick and Mick,the twin brothers who provided the entertainment for the evening,add extra laughter to their number by using fake teeth. 24 Junior-Senior Banquet