1991 Miracle Yearbook
Pirates ofPenzance Masks, intrigue, suspense, disguises, manip- ulation — not your normal fair for a comedy, but then this play was not your normal comedy. "Thieves Carnival," by French author Jean Anouih, is the delightful story of three bum- bling thieves(Nathan Dobert, Bruce Quick and Keith Wiederwax) who find themselves in the resort town of Vichy. They cross paths with Lady Hurf(Christine Michael)and Lord Edgard (Michael Andrews) along with Lady Hurf's nieces(Alicia Diller and Hollee Stover). A lovely romance blooms instantly between the youn- gest thief and Juliette, Lady Hurf's niece. But because he is a very honest young thief, Gus- tave feels it would not be right to take advantage of Juliette by marrying her. As is true of most comedies,love eventually conquers all and they are married; possessions are returned to their rightful owners; and all live happily ever after. — Lori Lindner Fine Arts 111
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