1991 Miracle Yearbook
Deborah Christner Scott Clapper Karl Clark Todd Clemens Broadcasting Business Administration History Accounting Akron,OH Cedarville, OH Anchorage, AK Limerick, PA Cynthia Commons Communication Arts Cherry Hill, NJ Andrew Cook Chemistry Belmont, NY Routine Faithfulness photo by Tania Taylor Daily chapel services encourage students to develop habits of routine faithfulness. In the past four years at Cedarville, I've learned that one of the keys to living a godly life is rou- tine faithfulness. It makes such a difference in my walk with God when I am consistently committing my life to Him, learning more about my Lord,and daily striving to please only God. However, the only way these things im- pact my life is if I am do- ing it daily whether I feel like it or not. The balance Cedarville of- fers and the standards it holds have encouraged consistency in my life. For example, the standards I chose to follow while at Cedarville were pri- marily on an honor system. This in itself caused me to think through actions and de- cisions whether they would be consistent with what I am daily striving to achieve. I made the final decision be- tween what is right and what is wise . I am thankful for the challenges to my spiritual life Cedarville has given. However, God is ulti- mately the one who has stretched and taught me the importance of consis- tently trusting, commit- ting, and living for Him. Without His hand on my life I am nothing. — Me- lanie Harty Senior 179
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