1991 Miracle Yearbook

SeniorPanic The senior year of college is known for many things. Two words that sum up what the majority of college seniors feel are "Senior Panic." "Senior Panic" is not the feeling you get when it is the day before graduation and the senior project is not complete. Nor is "Senior Panic" what is felt when the only post-graduation job applied for(you know,the one that offers a company car and a $40,000 a year starting salary) falls through and it looks like you will be the only fry station worker with a college degree. "Senior Panic" is the feeling seniors get when they finally realize that they SHOULD have asked out that girl/guy who has been flirting with them since Getting Started. There are three different stages of senior panic that coincide with the average school year. Here at Cedarville there are three quarters during which the panic progresses. First, the Fall Frenzy hits. This is the first quarter of the senior year when they realize that they only have one year to find "The Chosen One." Thus begins the mild dating spurt which declines when the senior realizes that he/she has two quarters left. The second stage,the Winter Wife Watch(so named because here at Cedarville the man is generally the one who does the asking), takes effect. A general dating effort begins again. This dating picks up its pace during T.W.I.R.P. week when the woman takes the initiative — this really gets things moving. The male population finally realizes what it has been missing, and it really is normal for college students to date. The final phase is the most chaotic. The Spring Search brings with it the resounding chant"Lake,Lake,Lake,.. ." and many sparkling diamonds. These two cause much jealousy and thus much more dating which culminates in the Junior/Senior Banquet when many "lucky" ones seal their fate forever. Marriage is often seen as a dreaded subject for those in college. These are supposed to be our fun years,they say; why wreck that with dating? As the seniors move on to the next phase of their lives, there are those who have resolved their "Senior Panic," and head down the aisle. The rest have en- tered the world with a bumper stickeron their car reading "Single and Love It!" — Amy Edwards Kemberlee Hemphill Education Cedarville,OH Scott Hetherington Physical Education Olney,IL Paula Hines Business Administration Polk,OH Steven Hess Business Administration Fleetwood,PA Krista Hill Behavioral Science Douglass, KS David Hinnergardt Mathematics Newton,CT 186 Senior