1991 Miracle Yearbook

First There Were Many Miracles.. Whether they are from Ohio or Florida,South America or Eu- rope,each person who comes to Cedarville has a background. Every student comes with a tes- timony of how God has led him or her to repentance. For many the decision to attend Cedarville was easy. For others it was very difficult. But all of the students at Cedarville College can testify to the miracles that finally brought them here. Even though these miracles may not fit the formal theolog- ical definition, the miracles of birth and rebirth, repentence and renewal, parental guidance and the process of maturing are all factors which led students to Cedarville, Ohio. As students come with differ- ent sized suitcases, each of which holding unique contents, they also come with different emotional, mental and spiritual baggage,as God has led each of them down separate paths with unique experiences and chal- lenges. Two common threads, how- ever, unite all of these very di- verse paths. All of them are forged and paved by the'Lord Jesus Christ. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:6). And all of those paths led to one small Ohio town to merge together for a brief four years. 2 Opening