1991 Miracle Yearbook

The not quite finished new Cedarville tra photo by Pat Dixon photo by Jesse Wesselink Kelly Fath helps break ground for the new engineering facility. Entrance to the new Alford addition. photo by Jesse Jack Hammers, back hoes, hamm steel.,wood and b men were all corn on campus th Cedarville College h g once again that it truly is looking to the future to ac- complish greater things for the Lord than it ever has be- fore. While spiritual accom- lislunents are very difficult to measure, the vision of the college leadership is clearly demonstrated by all ofthe ac- tivity around campus. There were three major projects which were un- dertaken or complet1uring the 1990-91 school ar The old track was to as workmen careful construction over th new track complete long jump, high jump shotput areas. The mu- ns of Cedarville College a elated with the new Fine Arts edition to Alford Au- rium, which features a rehersal room, finally large enough to properly ac- comodate the many musical groupsat Cedarville. And finally, the college broke ground April of 1991 for the new nursing-engineering building, which among oth- er things will house the two- year old engineering major at Cedarville College.If any- thing has been impressed on minds of students,it has that Cedarville College s to keep pressing d. Academics 23