1991 Miracle Yearbook

The Cedarville Family Family. What does this word have to do with Cedarville College? The student body ofthe college is very much like a family in many ways. Daily chapel brings the student body together in praise and worship of our Lord and provides a common meeting place for friends before and after each service. Chapel spiritually nourishes the college with En- richment Conferences and special speakers throughout the school year. Not only do the students worship as a family, but also they live as a family.Dormsfoster relationships that will last a lifetime as roommates, unit-mates and hall-mates build friendships based on love, trust and fun. Cedarville College worships,lives and prays as a family. Every quarter a day is set aside especially for prayer. The Day of Prayer unifies the students as they meet with each other to pray and give thanks. On February 12, 1991, the college gathered on the Day ofPrayer to pray specifically for the soldiers in the Desert Storm;from the Wall of Prayer to individual students,there was always someone for whom to pray. The family atmosphere of Cedarville College is one of its greatest assets. Without the overtones offamily,the college would be just another establishment of higher education. — Meredith Clements Hartman,Angela Hayner,Randy Heldreth, Michelle Henry,Angela Herrick,John Heyd,Ruth Heying, Tina Hickman,Georgia Hiebert, Aaron Higley, Ann Hoffeditz, Kimberly Hoffman,John Hoke,Gara Holcomb,Steven Holley,Rachel Holmes,David Horine, Benjamin Howard,Rachel Howe,Cory Howell, Tiffany Hoy,Timothy Huber, Nicole Huber,Pearl Huber,Philip Husaker,Stephanie Hunt,Carmen Hutchison,Stephaney Irving, Mark lien, Bradford Jariga, Bill Johnson,Edward Johnson,Jonathon Johnson,Jennifer Johnson,Judy Johnson, Marcy Johnston, April Johnston, Faith Joiner, Randall Jones, Barry Jones, Christian Jones,Susan Justice, Tonya Kadlecik, Bradd