1991 Miracle Yearbook

Wright Relishes Ro alt What do the Yellow Jacket soccer team's win over Ohio Dominican 6 — 0 and Lori Wright have in common? They both represent Homecoming 1990! Lori Wright was crowned Homecoming Queen on Saturday, October 13, at the Royalty Banquet. A nursing major from Columbus, Ohio, Lori's first priority upon graduation is her marriage on June 8 to Larry Nocella. She plans to stay in the Columbus area where she hopes to obtain a position with Riverside Hospital in the critical care unit. Lori chose Cedarville not only for its outstanding nursing program but also for its strong integration of biblical princi- ples within the program itself. The goals of Cedarville facilitated Lori's choice when she desired high standards and a balance of Christianity and quality. When asked what she would miss about Cedarville, Lori's immediate re- sponse was"Chapel." She believed that chapel was a common bond between the students. Growth is a major part of Cedarville College, and Lori has grown the mostthrough her friends with whom she was brought into contact. — Meredith Clements A royal "line-up" at the Homecoming Royalty Banquet. Lori Wright receives her crown as the 1990-91 Homecoming queen. 54 Student Life