1991 Miracle Yearbook

Dedicated to Following God's Leading If any faculty member has shown how God can merge a great diversity of experiences in molding one individual for service, it is Dr. Richard Durham.A Professor of New Testament and Greek, Dr. Durham has given his stu- dents a living testimony to God's faith- fulness and leading. Dr. Durham has been testimony of patriotism as he served in the U.S. Navy during WWII.He has been a tes- timony of burden for the lost as he ministered for 18 years in the Phil- ippines, and served as advisor for the FWM,the MK Fellowship,and the MIS Committee at Cedarville. He has also been a testimony of dedication to ex- cellence as he has encouraged his stu- dents to do their very best. Now as Dr. Durham retires from full-time teaching, Cedarville College says "farewell,"and "thank you." photo Dr. Durham prepares for his last( ceremony as a full-time faculty m by Jesse Wesselink :ommencement ember. (Upper right) Dr. Durham pose leagues on the Bible faculty. s with his col- photo by Jesse Wesselink 6 Dedication Dr.Durham receives honors from Dr. Dixon for his retirement.