1991 Miracle Yearbook

An Umbrella ofPrayer In the Desert Storm On February 12, 1991, Cedarville College observed the second Day of Prayer of the 1990-91 school year. This day was especially important because ofthe ongoing war in the Persian Gulf. The Wall of Prayer (the college's momen- to ofthe fighting soldiers)was the focus of the day. The soldiers in the Middle East were given utmost atten- tion as students turned their hearts to God. Dr. Terry Phipps of the science depart- ment gave a very moving tes- timony which related the ex- periences he had in Vietnam to those now serving in the Middle East. His words helped students to under- stand the feelings of a soldier at war which in turn encour- aged us to be supportive. The service continued with a taped message from Lom Reno who currently was serv- ing in Washington D.C. He told students how effectively to pray for the soldiers in the Middle East and the person- nel "running" the war. His advice assisted the students as they went to prayer. In order to pray more ef- fectively for the personnel listed on the Wall of Prayer, names were passed out to each student. Several minutes were spent in prayer as stu- dents broke into groups to re- member the names they were given. Continuing in prayer, sev- eral students involved in R.O.T.C. prayed aloud for the P.O.W.'s, the M.I.A.'s, and those wounded or killed in action. In this time of world unrest, it is encouraging to know that God is still in control,and we can turn to him with our needs. The Day of Prayer will always be an integral part of the Cedarville College year. — Amy Edwards photo by RM Photo Service photo by Scott Kissell American troops in Saudi Arabia. Mrs. Baise pins a picture of her nephew on the "Wall of Prayer." 66 Student Life