1991 Miracle Yearbook

Ministering With Immagination photo by Steve Cook What does a little league foot- ball game have to do with life at Cedarville? At first inspection,the answer would seem to be "nothing." But the SGA chapel services, under the direction of SGA Chaplain John McDugle, used such wild illustrations, as well as some unbelievable object lessons to communicate the mes- sages from God's Word. From hay and a live horse to a kiddie pool labelled "mud hole," to a fifteen-foot Christmas tree with lights arranged in the form of a cross, McDugle and his com- mittee put their immaginative powers to use in making each chapel service memorable,enjoy- able, and applicable to students' lives, while McDugle's colorful sermon illustrations and southern colloquialisms made listening a treat rather than a chore. — Jesse Wesselink photo by Steve Cook photo by Jesse Wessetirdc Ministries 77