1991 Miracle Yearbook

True Wo New friends,old friends,fond memories of a summer now ending,room registration and lots of lines. These are some of the thoughts that accom- pany the beginning of Fall quarter for many students, but the Fall of 1990 brought one more thing to the minds ofCedarville College students — WORSHIP. Rev. Larson, senior pastor of the Chapel in Akron,OH,came for the Fall photo by Jesse Wesselink photo by Steve Cook Students incorporating sign language into the art of worship, Cc th told mi CII de sh sill shi sta Ce erence and presented the nts with a fresh look at meaning of worship. Pas- Larson, along with the ster of music from the pel, not only told stu- how and why to wor- but also modelled true, re,and excellent wor- . This was truly a good to a year of growth at rville.— Jesse Wesselink s79