1991 Miracle Yearbook

Taking Christ. Master's Puppets Master's Puppets Traveling to various churches through- out the school year, this team shares the gospel through puppets. This ministry is es- pecially aimed at the children with whom the team comesin contact; the children are very receptive to Christ when pre- sented in this manner. The members of Master's Puppets develop close friendships with each other as they work together on a continual basis. First Row:Joe Lausin,Brian Guinther,Sec- ond Row: Shelly McCullough, Amy Whalen, Lisa Solum, Not Pictured: Phil Graves Kingsmen Quartet Kingsmen Quartet This group of Cedarville men trav- els to various churches and youth activities to spread the gospel through song. The close harmony of their music makes it entertaining and en- joyable for all age groups. First Row: Tim Walborn, Amanda Dye, Steve Murphy, Second Row: Wendy Le Blanc, Chad Coe 82 Ministries