1991 Miracle Yearbook

Antioch This minis- try meets at the "Gathering Place"on the campus of Anti- och College. The stu- dentsfrom Cedarville talk with other stu- dents about various topics which allow them to then share the gospel in a non- threatening, intellec- tual manner. First Row: Jonathan Bird, Tim Pearson Second Row: Susan Seibert,Tim Felt Christ Community Awana Awana is an in- tegral part of children everywhere. The strict format of games and verse memorization gives the children easily attainable goals. Cedarville College stu- dents participate in the Awana programs ofsev- eral local churches. Their leadership posi- tions assist the children both emotionally and spiritually. First Row:Sena Lund,Dawn Cun- ningham, Katie Irish Vandalia Awana The program at Grace members of this team Bretheren Church of minister in the Awana Vandalia. • -* *.;'1A3i;POlini4dtlivAR61-, 84 Community Ministries