1991 Miracle Yearbook

Cedar Cliff Elderly Housing In this min- istry to the elderly of Cedarville, college students are able to develop relationships with the elderly in such a way that they become "adoptive grandparents." Visits to homes, outings and invitations to col- lege functions are all part ofthe ministry to the elderly of Cedarville. First Row: Stephanie Hun- saker, Kelly Lucas, Annora Gross, Robin Mills Secon Row: Stephaney Hutchison, Tawna Latham, Steve Ross, Not Pic- tured: Kristen Nast, Abbe Beach, Stacy Muller Bristol House This new Christian ministry aims at working with dis- abled young people as well as the elderly at Bristol House. College students attend on a weekly basis to provide church servicefsor the residents in which they preach, sing and talk to the people in order to build lasting friend- ships. ow: eve y via ara lie Second Row: Mary Birley, Heather Anderson, Samantha Doering - Ysurc6-54*- Iy`lif, ,rtitistX EcAtikecdndR6v91 ''-dkcila-slAe*In'is'Part1(1515r;; ,91,obbL Aikszr 4-1 , 86 Community Ministries