1991 Miracle Yearbook

The Mime group gives the "silent gospel" Greene County Crisis Pregnancy center The members of this minis- try help give women that are dealing with un- planned pregnancies some alternatives to abortion by working as counselors. The Greene County Crisis Pregnan- cy Center, which is new his year, provides preg- nancy tests and counsel- ing for women. This center also provides fol- low-up care for the women and their babies. irst ROW: Vicki Miller, Janet sell Second Row: Sheri Krod Michelle Nelson, Jenae &ouch Third Row:Jacqueline Kirkley, ren Dieter, Sara P Piunkitt ayton Mental Health Center Every Thursday, the members of this min- visit mentally hand- icapped adults and show playing games with them These students are rn ing an effort to see th mentally handicapped peo le in the same ma abxithi 7.4b414,11,1 04,-**1%,1, . • .164;sqlsig She "-Mtriplina$,Oei4314etickiti Od 164.04,tdaalt9s,1411,11001; ritbst),soots,4-- - rrogt'&11011.0en-4\-Steke 88 Community Ministries