1991 Miracle Yearbook

Hospitality Home The members of this team minister through church serv- ices and interaction with the residents of Hospitality Home. First Row: Heather Hoelscher, Shanda Strayer,Paula Hansen, Gregory Milentrs Second Row: Jennifer Shriver, Teresa King, Jeffrey Johnson, Donald Erick- son Not Pictured: Sonja Bart- lett, Deborah Olsen, Kevin Shoop,Dan Clifford Honors Tutoring Stu- dentsin the HonorsPro- gram experience life- style evangelism as they travel to different Greene County schools. These students serve in various ways as some # are placed in the class- I room setting while oth- ers are involved with in- dividual students who; require specialized as- First Row: Priscilla Brown, Faith Johnston, Debbie Perkins, Joyce Co- langelo, Cynthia Palacios Second, Row:Nikki Refior,Tracy Justice,Deb- orah Richard,Cheryl Pinkerton,Ruth Hatton Third Row:Miriam Comegys, Eric Phillips, David Holmes, Jennifer Cornett,Jon Misere,Aaron Harju sis e n epen en Living The members of this team minister rough church services and interaction wit residents of Hillside pendent Livin .1.‘1,:‘',.. N .:‘7„0 ;1—:•";, -7,1 1•.; -;1 1?\c1—_ •N /2/ 1 -• -r-is-,- - • ‘I \LL.,•- 1 ,364;tagy ofPythias,'Me= , -liptufitiergtrpti&zertImpt--- ,,sgrvigE:t_-414,11itera roit nibØ Ariutglepbeitto t#Ikict§7. appe,20 1 ,1n111411e; ,§ has*: LMt d4arcto liklUchirct a4Mse Takti,Ai10446eeki01kVeiNi' 90 Community Ministries