1991 Miracle Yearbook

Miami Valley Crt Pregnancy Center With the rising rate of abortion, it is important to have a place for women to turn to for Biblical counselling. e mg e able to in of th bot spin • ••• • 'rli (.% ' .:*'.. ', I<S -_i •Ii*.f,wr--,1 =. 1 iiii1440- 7 --S•40` •57*.19 :- •- ----'4.- - .-,-, •'- 01-,&• _t- k.y- , — ,_-, ,. 9W' - -•cont'#)tl& r. ---;;:':.:;i"-'4=-'s."-=', -,--_ ,,,,,,-,,,i,; F,'=, .:; -, ,-,,;'!,,,, ,i;--;-,-,-,-,-,:‘,2,-,, ,,-,,-•.,-; ,..",.:., ..•-•.-,..1.,--,. - ..-').----,.:,:iyi-, Q%,,- ,, ...,,-_,..,,,,,,2,..,'•!..;‘-;!....;.;:si:-..,....,,...,1--, dora,. (4tket,';unntr;"Pk6fgOi3,;1q.15; ‘115Zit.,444,A-41-*!1.-('',--s'ol-s•-• .,_• Mime How can one communicate God's love without saying a word? One answer to this question is through mime.This group ofstu- dents travels to church- es, giving encourage- ment and challenges to Christians, as well as giving the gospel to many unsaved. A ges- ture and some symbols can many times pene- trate further into the soul than the best de- livered sermon. First Row:Mary Jo Brooks,Shelley Fiorito Second Row:Michael Peck, Kenneth Macleod, Jody Oberholtzer Third Row: Tom Bonifield Not Pictured: Chad Par- row,Yolanda Everson photo by Bill Montgomery Because ofthe many ministries and activities at Cedarville,prayer is regularly made a campus- wide priority. Mueller Ministries Each week,these volun- teers go to the Mueller Home for the mentally handicapped. In addi- tion to sharing with the residents, the members of this Springfield min- istry also spend time participating in basic skill-building activities with these people. The gospel is presented in a simple manner to the residents. Through all these activities,the team members share love with these mentally handicapped people. First Row: Debbie Wolf, Rebecca Armstrong, Stacey Perler Second Row: Claire Bamhart, Nate Mis- Mari,Edina VanMatie Community Ministries 91