1991 Miracle Yearbook

V.C.H. PM This team nings at the Ohio ters onSuneve- an's Children's Ho Row: Dave Brown, Christina log,Julie Mach, Frank Kianduch, hia Palacios, Melissa Bird,Peter aletto, Allison Stolar, Ann Seely, dy Davis, Eric Cochran, Sarah s Second Row: Kristen Gibbs, Leindecker, John Hill, Greg , brenda Paulhanus, Tammy Sara Sweet- land, Lisa Brovont, Heath son, Andrea Beauli Neubert Third Row: Kri Cory Howe, Nathan Carnahan, Tom Lightner, Jim CaUlster, Jim Ringer, Steve Kelly, John Stewart, Andy Schwaderer, John Yoder,Brad Silvius, T.J. Erland- son gonAlti WonalOrrOtib-: i4411gIgieft, -, Vifelitti-OP,Ikri4 A14Y1 -ysi !%efitidt*,i4$0,afFTIVIr ,N;spirkttfilay-?",at%Alk0-.:Plik, .§c4c,11a#4. t(t0' 61,6JV; {,-"Par- ; 11660eAkhl)s.PttsIk' '(t,-' -,•-•;11 - = "C" '1,Firteleref:-14 Fiz , 0.V.C.H. Tutoring These student volun- teers work wit 0.V.C.H. kids on a one 'to-one basis. The prima- iry purpose is to assist ithe kids with their studies, but the volun- i teers also have the op- portunity to develop !friendships and share the gospel. irst Row: Lori Lindner, Krista Dayton, isa Gillett, April Yaworski, Julie Mach, Heather Thompson, Lynn Leindecker Second Row: Rececca Richardson, Me- lissa Bird, Sena Lund, Ann Seely, Tarn- myHarem,Ruth Pfahler Third Row:Lisa Barwitz, Victoria Johnson, Janson Con- then, Brian Bolger, Kurt Dietrich, An- Baker, Dwight Schulz St. John's CenterThis ministry, under the di- rection of Dr. Dolph, was started by Psychol- ogy majors. Each was assigned a resident to work with and build a friendship. Once this task was accomplished, the student could then begin to share Christ with the resident as well as continue the friend- ship. First Row:Jennifer Wilfert, Heath- er Hoelscher Second Row: Chris- topher Eckart,Faith Todd Community Ministries 93