1992 Miracle Yearbook

Photo by Marsha Olsen Present Senior, Future Educator Kathy House - The Search for a Career She's nota nursing major,not an accounting major,and not an office technology major. Kathy House is a secondary English education major and she is facing an extremely limited job market,unlike many other fields. A native ofSolon,Ohio,Kathy is headed back to the Cleveland suburb to search for her first teachingjob. Kathy began to prepare during her student teaching experience. She talked to the superintendent concerning applying and interviewing as well as the various teachers at the Central Junior High in Xenia. Kathy's next step in the process was to send out letters to selected schools requesting an application. Asthe applications rolled in,herspirits were high asshe anticipated arewarding job search. Each application averaged approximately one hour to complete and a stack of thirty applications not only slightly dims her positive outlook but also takes time from studying and socializing during her last quarter at Cedarville. After many diligent hours of typing,the applications were sent on their way with an impeccable resume and cover letter to further sell her skills. Once the paperwork is sent,the waiting begins.Then one day a call comesfrom Kathy's highschoolalma materandsheschedulesaninterview.Theinterview turnsoutto beinformal as the Solon City Schools received 1700 applications for the 1992-93 school year. The interviewer is positive toward Kathy and informs her that he will getin touch with herifshe is selected for a formal interview. Thus,the waitinggamebeginsagain.ThistimeKathy relieson prayertokeep her positive attitude.It becomes very difficult to have a good attitude toward the whole process because so often there are no results until late July or August. Kathy chose to teach in the public schools rather than a Christian school because of her pasteducation, as well as herdesire to bea witnessand testimony to students whomaynever have the influence ofa Christian.She wishes to serve the Lord in this way after graduation as she begins her career in teaching. •Meredith Clements Photo by Tama Taylor TALKING TOPRO- SPECTIVEEMPLOY- ERS at the Christian School Recruitment conference, Cynthia Palacios smiles during her interview. I Seniors 15