1992 Miracle Yearbook

Engineering Practical experience that begins the first year,field trips, presentations from profes- sionals,hands on projects,and designs that are entered in competitions, professors who are experienced engineers and desire to integrate their curriculum with Biblical principles, Cedarville's Engineering empha- sizes these objectives. Engineering is a new and expanding major.Each year more students come,and new faculty are added. The most significant addition is the new engineering and nursing facility. This addition "will contain the latest in equip- ment and instructional technology." A Computer Aided Design(CAD)Laboratory is already in use,helping students complete assignments and design projects.The Engineering Department trains students to tackle twenty-first century problems from a Christian perspective. •Jim Foster photo by Jonathan Bush A tour PrOlITI being lad thronah the new Seienee and F,noineerint,huildina Health and Physical Education The De Physical] service by are in eitl pain and love to thi was the a Faculty 1\■ exemplifil ofothers needs thr partment ofHealth and -i,ducation is focusing on reaching out to people who ier emotional or physical by demonstrating God's em.A highlight ofthe year warding ofDr.Diehl with lember ofthe Year.Her life es the concepts ofthinking and seeking to meet their ough service and prayer. Trainer Robin Leasch aids an athlete in need. photo by Julie Rott Academics