1992 Miracle Yearbook

Gary Cooper Business Caro, MI Kristin Cooper English Education Champaign.IL Thomas('Ossail! Elementary Education Burr Oak. MI item April Crum Psychology Mt. Vernon, 011 Tortrait of Victory TammyHarveyrepresents whatsportsandfifeshout/be about. AsahO'hschooffreshman,Tammyran with the bestin thestate. Nearlyeveryonein Cedarville wouldhavedifficultyduplicating the timesshehadpostedbytheendoftenthgrade.Atthispoint,Tammysufferedsomeinjuries,buttwoyearslatersheenroffedatCedarville with h#hopesforherrunning career. A trip to NAN nationals in cross-country andNcCAA A1T-American status in track,iruficated that Tammy's running was again on the upwardclimb. Unfortunatery,insteadofgoing on to become one ofthe best runners in Cedarville history,Tammyspent the large partofthe nettwoyearsin andoutoftraining rooms, swimmingpools,andicecordwhirfpooks.Sherace/occasionally,usuallynotaswet(asin thepast;butonceinawhile,agoodworkiutorrace woullIgiveCoach Vng,Tammy, anther teammates aglimmerofhopefor thefuture. Meanwhile,Tammy wasenjoyingschool. She likedher major,fell-in love with afeffow runner;and despite not racingfrequently,wasnamedco-captain of the cross-country team herjunior year. Tammy's upbeatspirit anddesire to serve Godfrefpedunify the team. GoingintoTammy'sseniorseason,the captainsofthe team,Tammy,BrendaPaufhamous,Kris Williams,andPeterCasafetto,allofwhom hadbeen running togethersincethey werefreshmen,wantedthe team toemphasizeevangelism. Theyprayedforteam unity,opportunitiesto witness,an/strengthduringcompetition.Success began to come. Both teams were running weft; they weresharing the Gospel;andGodbfessedTammy withsome exceffentperformances. Astheseason drew toaclose,thegirfs neededto win theirdistrict meetin ordertoadvance to NALA nationals. Afthough Cedarville's womenhadbeenranked as*has twelfth in the nation,onafreezing,snowy day at gin/Jay, they came up nine pointsshort. Tammy wassickarufdidnot run as wedasshe hadhoped;herfast chance to compete at nationals wasgone. 'Thefinalmeet ofthe season andTammy's career occurreda weekfater at5ohn Bryan Park Family outfriends came out on a calif, yetsunny,day to see Cedarviffe's women try to accomplish theirgoalofwinning the NCCAA nationalcross-country championship. Tammy wantedto contribute to a team victory,andothers hopedthatpossiblyshe wouldbe namedto the academic Aff-American team. Atthepost-meetbanquetafewhourslater,pointshadbeen tallied;stomachsfiffed,andawardswerehandedout. Cedarviffe'swomen were nationalchampions, andTammy wasan academic Aff-glmerican. Tirefinafandmostprestigious awardgiven each yearis the WheelerAward Thisgoes to one male andonefemale runner each year who best exemplify the finest aspects ofsport -- an athlete whoperforms exceptionally wellthroughout the year both on the course andin the classroom,someone active in ministry, and most importantly,aperson that always represents the best quality ofa Christian athlete. This year's winner wasTammy Harvey. 115inr, Foster