1992 Miracle Yearbook

Nursing Dr.Alyn wants to focus on nursing as a ministry, notjust as a profession. A nurse is responsible for many roles medically, socially, and spiritually. She/he can exem- plify the love ofGod through administering medicine,encouraging the patient in physi- cal therapy,sharing in thejoy ofa new- born,and listening with the heart to a patient. The nurse must balance her/his life-style with both people and technology. She/he also must properly interact with doctors, patients,the patient's environ- ment,and other peers. Cedarville College prepares each student properly to carry out her or his responsibilities as a future nurse and warrior of God. *Janet Payne phot, \lar.shz, Olsen Melissa Henry and Beth Lutz do an ECG on a patient" at the Health Fair. Psychology Few students know about the changes the Psychology Department has undergone within the past year. First of all, an Applied Psychology major has been added to the curriculum.This new major allows the Psychology student to branch out into other related areas within five emphases: Counseling,Child/Family Studies,Ger- ontology,Health,and Industrial/Organizational. An- other addition to the department is Dr. Chi-En-Hwang, the first woman to belong to the department. Dr.Hwang studied at the University ofIowa after leaving her home in Taiwan in 1977. She then spent two years in Hong Kong before returning to the United States to teach at the University ofHouston.The most interesting aspect ofDr.Hwang is her name,which means"Grace ofGod." She is often asked about it and finds her name to be an effective tool in witnessing. With these two additions, the rather small Psychology Department is making significant progress. •Karla Warnken 8 Academics Dr. Ffwang in one ofher Psycholo.v classes. photo by Mal