1992 Miracle Yearbook

1 1 DELTA PI SIGMA "Okay, ma'am' We will bring your kids back in about half an hour," shouts the comfortably-dressed college student "Thanks' Have fun at the park, kids!" replies the over-worked mom,eager to experience some piece and quiet Taking the Maple Street children to the park is just one of the many outreach and service activities done by Delta Pi Sigma According to leader Gale Nocella, the women's organization is dedicated to Christ and strives to serve others. Along with spending time with local children, the women initiate other service activities, such as housecleaning and sponsoring needy children worldwide To grow closer to the Lord, as well as each other, Delta Pi Sigma is divided into discipleship groups Each year, the group sponsors late night skates and enjoys several retreats and dinners together. Indeed. Cedarville, Ohio, is a small community. Yet even the smallest communi- ties abound with service opportunities They spread God's love to the lives they touch. 'Karla Warnken First row: Lisa Gillett, Gale Nocella, Chandra Mann, Kim Lloyd, Nikki Starr, Julie Seaman. Last row Jane Adams Smith, Joy Haworth, Wendy Weyand, Dawn Czerniak, Sharon Hill, Amy Fidger, Ann Guest, Lori Bishop. Sylvia Faragalla EARTH STEWARDSHIP The Bible states that "..God created the heavens and the earth," yet how many of us fail to recognize the awesomeness of His Creation? A small, unofficial, relatively new organization called Earth Stewardship seeks to promote an understanding and appreciation of this beautiful world in which we live. Earth Stewardship had several activities this year which were open to anyone from the college family. A guest speaker from Antioch College led a forum entitled "Economic and Social Injustices in the Rainforest." Also, the organization sponsored several nature hikes at local places of interest Finally, the organization presented several interesting slide shows about places such as Yellowstone National Park. Indeed, even in the flatlands and cornfields of Cedarville, Ohio, the wonders of God's Creation can be seen and appreciated. Earth Steward- ship attempts to accomplish that, while "broadening its horizons' in the process. First row: David Mitchell, Zack Pappas,Chandra Mann Last row: John McCutcheon, Dr. John Silvius, Sara Taylor, Holly Glenzer. •Karla Warnken EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE This organization is composed of students who successfully complete the EMT classes held quarterly. According to Chief Bill Hauter, EMS does more than provide medical care to the college family, it also allows its members to develop medical skills and maintain a Christian testimony in the process This year, EMS has had its share of gains and losses The organization was pleased to complete its payment of the brand-new ambulance purchased last year. Unfortunately, EMS was saddened to lose its long-time medical director, Betty Bertschinger, but continued to meet with her for training meetings and parties. "Calm down. You're going to be just fine," the EMS member gently reassures an ailing student. The ambulance doors slam, as it leaves the dorm for its desti- nation Another day in the life of an EMS member has just begun •Karla Warnken First row. George Goodwin, Bill Hauter, Jeff Rinehart, Jeff Lidaberry. Last row: Michelle Zehr, Tracy Swackhamer, Katrina Parlin Not pictured. Brian Blind, Shelly Kincaid, Darren Young. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Organizations 215