1992 Miracle Yearbook

receive visits, and there- fore depend heavily on Cedarville studentsto call onthem.Each memberof this Christian ministry con- centrates his efforts on building friendships with two to five people. This techniqueallowsthestu- denttofocuson getting to know everyside of his friend;asaresult,hecan better ministerand pray for the elderly person. Through these friend- ships,thestudents hope to gain the trust of their older friends and be ableto presentand illus- tratetheGospelthrough their lives. They not only wish to tell of God'slove butalsoto demonstrate and portray the love of God, 'Janet Payne Shanda Strayer, Cheryl Pinkerton,Don Erickson,Joe Slovens, Chandra Mann. Here at the Hospitality Home East and West, students ministertothe elderly on a weekly basis.Overtimethestu- dentsfindthatthetime spent with their new found friendschanges from an obligation to a desire. They smile and eagerly await to hear the words,"I love you" from a friend. Strong friendships are built and sometimes last even when the CedarvilleCollegestu- dent graduates. Hospitality Home Eastand West green grounds,talking abouttreesand her country childhood and dancing;she alwayssaid,"1 would rather dancethan eat!" I asked her if she would teach me a couple of steps, but she didn'tthink sothatday.Soonshe pulled hersweatercloserand declared she was ready to go back in. "i understand," I an- swered,"We wouldn'twantto getsunburned.'Shegrinned and asked me to come again next week. •Rachel M.Wolford(J. Foster) Coleen Delp, Faith Todd, Rachel M. Wolford. Notpictured: Jennifer Wilted', Chris Eckart, Sandi Ames. StJohn's Nursing Home Ministries