1992 Miracle Yearbook
residents here, but also learn a little about life in the present and the past. Through con- versation, a sup- porting touch,and an encouraging smile, these friend- ships are started. The residents begin to depend heavily upon and look for- ward to the visits thatCedarville Col- legestudentsmake that brighten up their lives. Beckey Gerber Gabrielle Gerber Kristen Nast Each week a group of Cedarville College stu- dents conducts an in- formal BibleStudyatthe CedarCliff Elderly Hous- ing,located across the street from Maddox in Cedarville.The purpose of this ministry is to inter- act with the residents who live there. Cedar Cliff is not a nursing home;the residents at CedarCliffliveindepen- dently in their own apartments and enjoy agreatdealof personal freedom.Throughthese weekly visits,friendships are formed which ben- efit both the youngand the old. .Julie Mulder Cedar Cliff Elderly Housing friendships are made and the people look forward to the young people returning and bringing with them the light of hope and the love of God. Knights ofPythias Ministries
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