1992 Miracle Yearbook
Miami Valley Crisis Pregnancy Center 4 Greene County Crisis Pregn Center Community Ministries Miami Valley: Holly Moor, Faith Todd, Holly Leadbeater, Becky Stevens, Becky Strrock, Kristine Post, Shelley Fox, Greta Hendrics, Charlene Davis, Laura Rosebloom. GreeneCounty:LaurieBell, Christina Ash, Michelle Nelson, Karen Boggs. Not pictured:Beth Ann Picket', Casey Waters,NikkiMusto, Shandy Buffington, Sheri Krody. One of myfavorite clients at the Miami Valley Woman's Center is one that I've been able to do the most for. She is in her late teens, yet very mature for her age.She wanted the bestfor her baby, andshe wantedtolearn asmuch asshe could before the birth. After she took the free pregnancy test,a time wasset up for her to come back for follow up (This mightinclude Bible studies,making plans for the baby, or further counsel- ing).Wedecided to gothrough a work- book which includes budget planning and other preparation for the baby's arrival. Because this girl's family sup- Ministries Howshould you tellsome- one notto havean abor- tion? Notto kill her baby? Whyshould a woman in a crisis pregnancy listen to a Cedarville College stu- dent? Team leader, Kristen Sechrist,writes,"I waspet- rified the first time I was called totalktoa woman who was considering an abortion. As I stood face to face with a woman who couldn't look me in the eyes, who had two little kids hanging at her sides, all my past training forthe Mosesprojectvan- ished from my mind. A mother stood before me who needed help, and all I could do was pray. I realizedthat I couldn'ttalk her into anything, but God could talk her into everything.' 'Kristen Sechrist(Jim Foster) "Though manyofthechil- dren of the Ohio Veter- ans Childrens Home are not orphans,our ministry there includes both teaching and tutoring as a means of looking after the young men and women placed there. Only by keeping our lives from the pollution of the world can we truly influ- ence these who have such a great need for a Savior. Many of them have been severely hurt bythosethey trust,and it isagreatjoyfortheteam toseethe healing power of Christ as He ministers to their pain and softens their hearts.' Jill Prichard, this year's leader of an A.M.team, and Tressa Park, leader of all morning teams this .11011■
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