1992 Miracle Yearbook
Mime ported her, we didn't have to set her up in a supporthome,which we offer when they are needed and available. She attends a support group for pregnant teenswhich meettwice a month. When the baby is born,she will be able to go to a support group for new moms. She also went through our maternityclosetand picked outa bathingsuit forthesummer.Afterthe birth ofher baby,she will receivea bagfull ofdia- pers,babyclothes,blan- kets,towels,lotions,toys, and many other baby items. This provides an opportunity for Cedar- ville Collegestudents to minister to the commu- nity in a practical way. •Molly Moor(Jim Foster) The Mime ministry team of Cedarville College communi- cates God'slove with- outsaying award,This team travelsto various churches giving en- couragement to the Christianstheymeetas well as challenging them spiritually. Not only does the Mime team ministertofellow believers,butalsothey present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to many unsaved. Unbelievers are drawn by such a group because their message is presented in afashion otherthan preaching; a simple hand gesture and a facial expression can often penetrate the soul further than any sermon. •Meredith Clements year, aptly describe the importance of theOVCH-Cedarville Collegeconnection. OVCH houses and schools over 100 girls and boysages6-19who have been physi- cally, sexually, or emotionally abused, in trouble with the law, rejected by their parents,or orphaned.Cedarville College teamsseek to build into the lives of these children through tutoring,SundaySchool, and Youth Fellowship programs. The joy described by Jill and Tressa can only result from constantand committed love dem- onstrated by willing Cedarville students. •Karla A. Warnken 0,VC,H. PaulDean,Julie Cone,Me- lissa Bird, Susan Moffett, Melissa Kohlbacher, StephanieLynneSherman, AnnSeely,Lori Jen- nifer Lindner, Staples, Necole Kimmel. 0,VC,H, Tutoring Ministries 043
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