1992 Miracle Yearbook

Straight From the Heart Once again I found myself sitting in the James T. Jeremiah chapel, attending another concert and listening to perfect people sing about their picture perfect lives. I wonder if any ofthem have ever doubted their faith or experienced guilt. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Michael Card announced. When Ilooked up,all I saw was a man dressed in Dockers and moccasins leading everyone in "El-Shaddai." Then I realized that I was encountering MichaelCard. InstantlyIcould sensethathe wasdifferentthan other performers. Instead ofopening with a song,he led the entire audience in worship to God. While I was singing,I could truly feel the Spirit ofthe Lord. Michael Card's songs were quite thought-provoking. Many of his lyrics prompted me to search and evaluate my walk with God. My favorite song dealt with faith and how unattainable it seems."To be guided by a hand I cannot hold. To hear with my heart; to see with my soul;to trust in a way I cannot see.That's what faith must be." Instantly,a warm feeling of uncon- ditional love from God washed over me. MichaelCard and hisband are notany ordinary band. Faithfully they travel all overthe United States renewing Christianseverywhere and motivating us to look beyond face value and see God for who He really is. The African Children's Choir enchants the student body with their lively music to God. C.A.B. Presents ••• 70 Student Life Buddy Green leads praising to God through his harmonica and singing. photo hv JOI1 Bush photo by Jon Bush