1993 Miracle Yearbook

September 28,1992 - May 31,1993 CHAPEL\ Vesselsfor His Glory "The longer water sits in- side the pot, the more stag- nant it becomes. It's best to pour that wateroutassoon as the potfills;and thesoonerit's filled up again,the less it has to be cleaned."John Mourglia of"ThePotter's House"minis- try spoke these words to the student body in April as he molded clay from the chapel platform. While working, he spoke ofGod's processin pre- paring his children for His work. Each chapel speaker of the 1992-93 school year contrib- uted to theformation ofGod's vessels at Cedarville College, pouringtheirspiritualgrowth andinsightoutinto morethan 2,100 students. The well- known speakers of the three annualconferencesworked to makestudents"pliable"again at the beginning ofeach quar- ter:Dr.ErwinLutzer ,pastorat Moody Church, urged stu- dents to"Come to Grips"and "Keep the Dream Alive"; Dr. Joseph Stowell III, President ofMoodyBibleInstitute,spoke on controlling self-signifi- cance; and Dr. Ronald Blue, President of C.A.M. Interna- tional, guided Cedarvillians 4,e Ministries towardevangelismand disciple- ship in the spring missions con- ference. Many other chapels filled our "pots" with renewed vigor. Cedarville'sown Dr.Drullinger put an eye-witness twist on the Christmas story, while his col- leaguesDr.Gromacki,Dr.Estes, Dr. Riggs,and Mr. Warren also spoke. Dr. Elmore spoke of Christ'sreturnaftermanyAmeri- canslookingforward toanOcto- ber 28 rapture were disap- pointed. The Southgate Children's Choir, the Dayton Choir Boys,Mr.Kirby Lancaster from Australia aswellasBackto Genesisspeakers,KenHam and Duane Gish,all gave usnew en- thusiasm to share the news of our Savior. As the chapel bells chime ten times each weekday morning,a tremendous power for God is gathered inoneplace.Theheart- feltprayeroftheadministration, faculty, staff, students, and speakersisthatCedarville's"pot" will not contain stagnant water, but will continualloyverflow intotheheartsandlivesofpeople around theglobe.Weare vessels for the Master's use and "from those to whom much is given, much is expected." *Victoria Johnson Photo by Steve Cook Photo by Marsha OLser SPRING MISSIONARY CONFER- SHARING MUCH WISDOM WITH ENCE SPEAKER,Dr.Ronald Blue, THE COLLEGE FAMILY,Dr. challenged students to become an Jeremiah speaks to a school that deeply AAA Club Member, appreciates his efforts in its success.