1993 Miracle Yearbook

Time Out-- Back to the Huddle The biannual Day of Prayer redirects students,facultyand stafffromthepursuit of knowledge to praise and petitioning of God.Thisdayisanimportantoneto many in theschoolbecause ofthe effects it hasin thelivesofthe peoplefor whomthey pray. Manyburdensare madelighterbysharing them and praying about them in a group setting.TheclosenessoftheDayofPrayer both comforts and encourages those with concerns weighing on their minds.It also addstothesensethatCedarville is notjust a place to learn, but it is a community of brothersand sistersin Christ whoare here to help each other grow. *Chris Reimers IN A TIME OFPRAYER FOR OUR NATION Dr.Cheryl Fawcett prays at the flag pole. IN REVERENCETO OUR COUNTRY Cedarville's ROTC raises the flag as the National Anthem is sung by the Men's Glee Club. IN CHAPEL David Bates joins as the college family has a momentof silent prayer. Ministries